Friday 12 May 2017

True Facts about Vestiphobia – The fear of clothing

You’ve probably heard of Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders and even other fears such as Ophidiophobia, the fear of snakes or Agoraphobia, the fear of open and crowded spaces. But few people have heard of Vestiphobia – the fear of clothing. Scientists believe that this phobia can arise from several different places or circumstances including allergies to certain fabrics or previous experiences with clothing.

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Facts About Foods That Will Help You Get a Flat Belly Fast

Facts about foods that will help you get a flat belly fast.
There isn’t any magic pill that will help you lose 30 pounds a week without compromising your health. However, we  would like to share a recipe for a delicious and healthy drink that’ll help you lose weight faster than you would without it.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Facts About Foods That Unclog Heart Arteries Naturally

If your goal is to restore or maintain a healthy heart then there are a variety of foods that can help to unclog arteries of plaque build-up, lower your blood pressure and reduce inflammation which is the main culprits of cardiovascular illness. Here are the top foods and drinks which will you to unclog the heart arteries naturally.
01. Avocados
02. Asparagus
03. Pomegranate
04. Broccoli
05. Turmeric
06. Persimmon
07. Spirulina
08. Cinnamon
09. Cranberries
10. Green Teas

Monday 8 May 2017

Interesting Facts About Rabbits

Interesting Facts About Rabbits

 Rabbits can make a cute house pet, but the also live in the wild, here are some awesome facts about rabbits.
1.    The rabbits fall into the category of lagomorphs and not rodents.
2.    A male rabbit is known as a buck, whilst a female is called a doe.
3.    The baby rabbits are collectively known as litter.
4.    The teeth of a rabbit are very strong and they never stop growing.
5.    There are currently 45 known breeds of rabbits.
6.    A rabbit can easily live up to 10 years, if properly taken care of.
7.    The rabbits can make sounds that are very similar to that of a cat.
8.    Rabbits cannot vomit!
9.    For assisting in digestion they need hay which helps them to prevent forming of fur balls in stomach.
10.  A mother rabbit feeds her kids for just about five minutes a day.
11.  The droppings of a rabbit are widely used as a fertilizer in gardens.
12.  The meat of a rabbit is not red but white.
13.  Rabbits easily suffer heat stroke and therefore prefer to live in cool places.
14.  With their eyes placed wide apart they can easily see behind them.
15.  A rabbit sweats only from its pad on the feet!
16.  Night Droppings or Cecotropes are eaten by the rabbits there and then.
17.  When a rabbit is happy they jump and twist which is named as “binky”.
18.  In total, a rabbit has only 28 teeth for eating.
19.  Rabbits start breeding at an early age, when they are three to four months old!
20.  The rabbits can be literally “scared to death” if approached by a predator when they are totally unaware.

Cannabidiol: True Facts About CBD

Most people have heard of a chemical called THC, which is the ingredient in marijuana that gets users high. But recently, attention has shifted to another compound in marijuana called CBD and for good reason.
Here are some true and interesting facts that you should know about this unique compound.

Facts About Top Meat Consuming Countries In the World

Facts about top 10 meat consuming countries In the world.
Meat consumption is the inclusion of meat products in the diet. Factors such as culture and religion impact decisions to consume meat. One of the biggest factors influencing meat consumption is economic status. Here is the list of top 10 most meat consuming nations in the world.
1. Australia (205 Pounds Per Person Annually)
2. USA (200.6 Pounds Per Person Annually)
3. Israel (189.6 Pounds Per Person Annually)
4. Argentina (186.7 Pounds Per Person Annually)
5. Uruguay (182.8 Pounds Per Person Annually)
6. Brazil (172.2 Pounds Per Person Annually)
7. New Zeland (162 Pounds Per Person Annually)
8. Chile (159.8 Pounds Per Person Annually)
9. Canada (155.4 Pounds Per Person Annually)
10. Malaysia (121 Pounds Per Person Annually)

Sunday 7 May 2017

Interesting Facts About Loquat Fruit

Loquat is an evergreen plant that belongs to the family of roses. It originates from the Southeast China but it can be found in warm areas around the world today. Loquat requires mildly fertile, well-drained soil and plenty of sun for the successful growth and development of fruit. It tolerates wind and drought. People cultivate loquat as a source of food and in ornamental purposes. Japan, where loquat is also known as Japanese plum, is the greatest producer of loquat in the world followed by Israel and Brazil.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

True Facts About Auditory Hallucinations - Causes and Treatments of Auditory Hallucination

True Facts about Auditory Hallucinations – Causes and Treatments of Auditory Hallucinations

Auditory hallucinations refer to experiencing hallucinations that make you believe that someone is talking to you. If you often hear voices calling your name or speaking to you, but you are unable to find any real person, then you are a victim of auditory hallucinations. Around 70% of the victims of schizophrenia as well as 15% of people suffering from depression, mania and mood disorders experience auditory hallucinations. Here are some important facts about auditory hallucination, its causes and the ways you can deal with this problem.

Interesting Facts About Vitamin E

Interesting Facts About Vitamin E.
Vitamin E was discovered in 1922 by Dr. Herbert Evans and Katherine Bishop in their research on reproduction in rats.

Vitamin E consists of eight distinct antioxidant compounds. Vitamin E exists naturally in eight forms. There are four tocopherols  and four tocotrienols with alpha, beta, delta and gamma in each group. It is a fat soluble vitamin. Vitamin E food sources are vegetable oils, avocados, spinach, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, nuts, and whole grains. Vitamin E has no toxicity or side effects except for an anticoagulant effect.

Monday 1 May 2017

True Facts About Flavonoids

Flavonoids are organic compounds that occur naturally in plants. More than five thousand flavonoid compounds exist in nature but those found in foods fall into six major categories.These are flavonols, anthocyanidins, isoflavones, flavan-3-ols, flavones and flavonones . The compounds in these categories are of interest because of their potential health benefits.

Sunday 30 April 2017

Oscar The Cat: Oscar Therapy Cat- the Nursing Home Cat Who Can Sense Death Coming

Oscar, the cat was adopted for Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, Rhode Island.
Dr Dosa write a book about this cat called “Making rounds with Oscar: the extraordinary gift of an ordinary cat”So far he predicts deaths of more than hundred patients in the said center.