Monday 8 May 2017

Facts About Top Meat Consuming Countries In the World

Facts about top 10 meat consuming countries In the world.
Meat consumption is the inclusion of meat products in the diet. Factors such as culture and religion impact decisions to consume meat. One of the biggest factors influencing meat consumption is economic status. Here is the list of top 10 most meat consuming nations in the world.
1. Australia (205 Pounds Per Person Annually)
2. USA (200.6 Pounds Per Person Annually)
3. Israel (189.6 Pounds Per Person Annually)
4. Argentina (186.7 Pounds Per Person Annually)
5. Uruguay (182.8 Pounds Per Person Annually)
6. Brazil (172.2 Pounds Per Person Annually)
7. New Zeland (162 Pounds Per Person Annually)
8. Chile (159.8 Pounds Per Person Annually)
9. Canada (155.4 Pounds Per Person Annually)
10. Malaysia (121 Pounds Per Person Annually)

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